About Us
In 2012, childhood friends Michael Petrasko and Muir Evenden, bonded by their shared passion for astronomy since grade school, conceived an idea. They acquired a high-end 16” f/3.7 astrograph reflecting telescope designed for imaging deep space astronomical objects. However, lacking the space to set up such an advanced telescope, they envisioned an observatory situated in an ideal location for astronomical imaging: high altitude, clear dry air, and, of course, dark skies. This led them on an inspiring journey, the details of which you can explore further in 'Our Story'.
The idea was born to host our 16" imaging telescope in a remote observatory and offer it as a resource for public and educational outreach. Our search began for a suitable remote observatory capable of hosting our telescope.
Over the five years between the inception and realization of our goal, we undertook various projects to fund our efforts, including educational outreach programs at various schools in Massachusetts.
We launched a blog to showcase our efforts at Insight Observatory.
We discovered a suitable remote telescope hosting facility in New Mexico named SkyPi Online Observatory. After discussions with the owner, John Evelan, we quickly determined that this location would be ideal for hosting our telescope.
The Astronomical Telescopes for Astronomical Outreach (ATEO) remote telescope network has been established. This network encompasses our current and future remote telescopes, clearly defining their scope and purpose: educational outreach. As we collaborate with other observatories, they become affiliate remote telescopes within our network.
In May 2017, we relocated our telescope from Massachusetts to SkyPi Online Observatory in Pie Town, New Mexico. By October of the same year, we were up and running online!
Insight Observatory's image set repository, Starbase, is implemented and made available to the general public via the internet.